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Shaolin Kung Fu for Kids

Are you looking for an activity that your child can engage in that will move their bodies, and challenge their minds? Then our Shaolin Kung Fu for Kids program is for your child. We have classes for students aged 8 to 12 years old.

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golden dragon

Training for a
lifetime of fitness!

At Idaho Shaolin, we introduce young students to the traditional practices of Shaolin Kung Fu, using training methods designed to be challenging and fun at the same time.

Our goal is to guide young students into becoming healthy, attentive, responsible martial artists. At the same time, we focus on helping to develop our young students into socially aware and accountable human beings. All of this while learning to exercise and understanding the importance of taking care of their bodies while developing a healthy lifestyle.

Kids class kicking
Kids class punching
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Kung Fu / Time & Effort

The true meaning of "Kung Fu" is Time and Effort. Through time (patience) and effort (hard work), perfection will be attained.

The instructors at Idaho Shaolin take pride in knowing that they are passing down this time-honored tradition to the next generation.

The Kids Kung Fu program at Idaho Shaolin is open to students aged 8 to 12. We break this down into two classes. Class #1 is for our beginning students; white, yellow, and blue belts. Class #2 is for our advanced students; green, brown, and Jr. Black belt.


For more information about us, click here.

For information about our membership prices, please call, email, or stop by during regular class hours. Feel free to stay awhile and watch a class in session!


Start your child's journey now for a lifetime of health and fitness! 


Still not sure if Shaolin Kung Fu is right for your child?

Try 1-week for only $20!

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